HIS BridgeBuilders is a 501 (c) (3). The ministry was established in 2006 with the goal of uniting Christians across cities to transform urban communities through education, health, employment, and spiritual development for the glory of God. Their work is centered on the near east side in the East Meadows (formerly Wheatley Courts) area of the city.  The community in which they serve is economically challenged with 74.7% of the children in the neighborhood living below the federal poverty level.


HIS BridgeBuilders-San Antonio is a movement of God uniting Christians across cities to transform urban communities through education, health, employment, and spiritual development for the glory of God.


H.I.S. BridgeBuilders-San Antonio believes that strength of their organization is the emphasis they place on relationships ― a strong and deepening relationship with God and growing relationships within their community.  Each activity, event and program is aimed at these growing relationships.

Contact Us

710 Arthur
San Antonio TX 78202
Phone: (210) 870-4676



Children's Out of School and Summer Reading Programs

We want all children of the neighborhood to succeed in life and in school. To bolster their educational experiences, we offer after school time tutoring and homework help during the school year from 3:30 – 5:00 PM on Mondays through Thursdays at 339 Gabriel. In the summer, we offer a reading program where the children read to an adult listener and write a short report about the books read. The children are given $1.00 for each book completed. The reading program hours are the same as the out of school program.

Neighborhood Outreach

Monthly neighborhood meetings are sponsored to build unity in the community and to give us opportunities to develop relationships with the parents and other care givers of our children. Each event includes a free meal, live Christian music, clothing, and seasonal items such as school supplies, Thanksgiving dinners and Christmas gifts.

Medical Support

H.I.S. BridgeBuilders-SA has established monthly vision screening. Life Choices, our partner, provides health counseling and parenting instruction. These events are free to all the neighborhood. We are planning health fairs for our residents, and we have fitness and nutrition training for the children and for interested parents.

Computer Access

We have more than 30 computers in all at our 339 Gabriel location and our 710 Arthur office. These computers are used by adults for Internet research and resume writing. The children use them to familiarize themselves with keyboarding and simple computer terms and processes.

Upcoming Events

Neighborhood Block Party

This event provides residents with access to free clothing, food and medical services such as a free eye exams. Block parties also include fun for children, like bounce castles, games, face painting and more!

When: February 4, 2023

Where: 710 Arthur St., San Antonio, TX 78202

Event info

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteerism is an integral part of HIS BridgeBuilders’ programs. For information on their needs and how to get involved. Please visit the following link:

Volunteer info