Other than the information requested in the Guidelines, do we need to send additional information when submitting a grant request?
No, please only send the information that is requested. Please read the Program Guidelines carefully and ensure you have submitted all required documents – i.e., Financials, Budgets, List of Directors, Project Budget. We will contact you if additional information is needed. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.
If the organization is not a 501(c)(3), may the application still be submitted?
The Foundation will only award grants to organizations that are exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. In addition, the organization must be qualified as 509(a)(1) or 509(a)(2) and such designation must appear on the IRS Determination letter. If the organization is a 509(a)(3), additional paperwork and a legal opinion is required. The Foundation will not award grants to individuals or to for-profit organizations.
Does the foundation award multi-year grants?
No, the foundation does not award multi-year grants. Only single year proposals will be considered. An organization must re-apply for funding each calendar year.
When will the organization be notified regarding the review of their grant?
Within sixty (60) days after a deadline, the organization should be notified whether the request was funded. Please refer to the Guidelines and Funding Schedule for exact dates.
Is it possible for an organization to apply for funding more than once a year?
No, organizations can only submit one request per calendar year.
If our project timeline changes from what we submitted, do we wait to report that on our evaluation report?
No, if your project timeline changes from what was submitted and awarded, contact your grant manager immediately to report back to the Foundation. Do not wait until the final report is due.
If the organization is a start-up nonprofit or has been operating less than a year, is the organization eligible to apply for funding?
No, organizations can only apply for funding if they have been operating for a minimum of three (3) years.
Does the foundation fund pilot programs?
No. The program must be operational for at least one year and have proven results (the organization must also be operational for a minimum of three years). Please contact a Grant Manager to determine if a program is eligible after one year.